- Moodle is an acronym for "Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment." It is an online educational platform that provides custom learning environments for students. Educators can use Moodle to create lessons, manage courses, and interact with teachers and students.
- It is a free software, a learning management system providing a platform for e-learning and it helps the various educators considerably in conceptualizing the various courses, course structures and curriculum thus facilitating interaction with online students.

This is a short computer course that incorporates the computer packages.
The learner is expected to get an indept analysis of how to use the Computer Application programmes including but not limited to:
i) Introduction to Computers
ii) Ms windows
iii) Ms Word
iv) Ms Excel
v) Ms Access
vi) Ms PowerPoint
vii) Ms Publisher
viii) Communication
ix) Internet
x) Entrepreneurship
- Teacher: Tobias Edwin
- Teacher: Mourice Mathias
- Teacher: John Maundu
- Teacher: Samuel Mbithi
- Teacher: Mr.Paul Musungu
- Teacher: Rose Wachera
- Teacher: Elizabeth Wangui
- Teacher: Daniel Wanjohi